Legal notice

Apaco AG

Information according to § 5 TMG

Company name
Apaco AG

Legal form
Public limited company

Baselstrasse 71
4203 Grellingen Switzerland

T + 41 (0) 61 745 91 11
F + 41 (0) 61 745 91 29
Email:  info(at)

Represented by the managing director
Ruedi Brunner

Commercial Register No.

VAT no.
CHE-102.213.398 MWST / TVA / IVA

Responsible for content according to § 55 RStV
Ruedi Brunner
Apaco AG
Baselstrasse 71
4203 Grellingen Switzerland

Further details


The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform at, which consumers can use to settle a dispute and where further information on dispute resolution can be found.

Außergerichtliche Streitbeilegung

We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board in the event of a dispute with a consumer.


All contents of this website were created with the greatest possible care. The information on this website is of an informal nature and does not guarantee that it is correct, complete and up-to-date. The use of the information is at your own risk.

Externe Links

This web presence contains hyperlinks to external websites. At the time of setting the link, these were carefully checked. Due to the topicality of the medium Internet, it cannot be guaranteed that the intended contents appear behind the hyperlinks. The contents of external websites are the responsibility of the respective owners. These do not necessarily correspond with the opinion of the provider.


The contents of this web presence are subject to copyright. No contents may be used without prior written consent.


Personal data resulting from the use of this web presence will be treated strictly confidential. Personal data from forms will be stored temporarily for the purpose of making contact and will not be passed on to third parties. The regulations of the Swiss laws on data protection are observed.


In addition to our own images, we also use images from the following image databases: Alhim | Mauro Rodrigues | NicoElNino | nostal6ie | Nordroden | adike | Alex Stemmer | Christian Lagerek | NavinTar | ndoeljindoel | Dusan Petkovic | wavebreakmedia | Firma V | industryviews | Suwin | Gorodenkoff | Dusan Petkovic | JomNicha | JomNicha Ivan Kulikov | Ivan Traimak | stetsko | industrieblick MiguelMalo
Bosch Marketing Deutschland
Innovatec GmbH
Photo archive Inrabau AG
Photo archive Apaco AG

All rights to the images, including all copyrights and other industrial property rights relating to the images, remain with the author of the image. Should we mistakenly violate third party rights, please contact us immediately at


Meyer Jörg Fachfotografie, Lörrach
Barbara Sorg, diefotowerkstatt, Muttenz

Konzeption und Gestaltung

Agentur für Corporate Design

D 78315 Radolfzell
T +49 (0) 7732 / 950 69-0