As a highly experienced, strong and reliable company in district heating, we focus on our customers’ needs and requirements. We set standards in quality, innovation and technological advances.
The Apaco spiral tube heat exchanger is universally applicable and has proven itself in many, even very critical building services and industrial applications.
 AWS heat exchanger
 AWS and ACR remote heating stations, with heat exchanger
 AH house stations, with or without plate heat exchanger
 Control systems from communicative universal controller to PLC
We make an impact with the AWS spiral tube heat exchanger, which was specially developed for high-temperature applications and is excellently suited for these. Thermal expansion is no problem for this unique AWS heat exchanger. In contrast to heat exchangers with rigid connections, the tubes wound in spirals and the consistent countercurrent principle allow any heat expansion to be absorbed without any problems. This completely prevents the occurrence of stress cracks. Tried and tested for years, without leakage.
 Copper-free version made of steel
 Excellent corrosion resistance in district heating networks
 Without seals or rubber parts
 High operational safety and long service life
 Unique spiral tube technology
 40 bar, secondary up to 10 bar
 Temperatures up to 200°C
 Power up to 1,000 kW per machine
 Simple space-saving assembly and installation
 Industrial hot water heater provided
Together with the stainless steel industrial water heaters manufactured in-house, the AWS spiral heat exchanger forms the basis for top-quality AWS-ACR compact stations.
The AH in-house stations are ideally suited for the field of local heating networks using renewable energies. The stations are manufactured and individually equipped as needed, with or without plate heat exchangers for supply isolation. The ready-to-connect in-house stations reduce installation times considerably and prevent interface problems, as the control and regulation technology and the entire apparatus are supplied from a single source. We only use tried-and-tested system components from reputable manufacturers (control part, pumps, control fittings, etc.).
Our own control systems and switchgears also offer ways to optimise the use of energy and thus save costs. For extensive systems, controllers can be networked, which enables demand-based, economical heat generation. Measurements, checks and optimisations of the operating parameters can be carried out centrally and save time.
Controls are pre-programmed, tested and then commissioned by our own personnel. The simple parameterisation allows quick and easy adjustments. All operating states are displayed comprehensively, thus allowing an immediate overview of the status of the heating and industrial hot water situation.